The current questionnaire aims to know the impact of the confinement and/or teleworking situation in order to identify and monitor the psychosocial conditions of the people in your organisation.


  • Identify the psychosocial impact of the current situation of confinement and/or teleworking.
  • Identify and monitor teleworking psychosocial and condition.
  • Identify opportunities to improve the teleworking experience (operational and ergonomic level, and cognitive/emotional level).
  • Incorporate measures to improve the lockdown experience and psychosocial and ergonomic teleworking conditions.
  • Involve the people of the organization in a project to support the confined people and to improve the teleworking conditions.
  • Share positive ideas and messages of support among members of the organization.

Questionnaire use

    The questionnaire is divided into six sections. Four sections are common to all participants:

    • Socio-labour variables: Sex and age
    • Lockdown situation description
    • Perceived physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral impact
    • Open section to share ideas and positive messages for dealing with the situation

      The other two sections are intended for people who telework:

      • Ergonomic and operational conditions specific to teleworking.
      • Psychosocial conditions in the work experience / conciliation.

      The questionnaire should be administered on-line and it should be a voluntary completion, ensuring the anonymity and confidentiality of individual responses. Results may only be processed, used and presented collectively.

      It is specially designed to be used by areas linked to people management, prevention of psychosocial risks and social responsibility, and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals 3, 5 and 8.

      It is available in English, Spanish and Catalan. In the online administration, the participant has the option to select the desired language.

      Choose the plan that best suits your organization

      Access to the questionnaire ✔️
      Sending of informative newsltetters ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
      Creation of the online survey (link and organization´s logo) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
      Creation of randomized one-person access codes associated with the mail (guarantees confidentiality and that participants can only complete the questionnaire only once) ✔️ ✔️
      Multilingual survey (English, Spanish, Catalan) ✔️ ✔️
      Elaboration of the previous informative message y que cada participante complete una única vez el cuestionario) ✔️ ✔️
      Basic descriptive report (response frequencies and qualitative information) ✔️ ✔️
      Collected data exports (Microsoft Excel or CSV) ✔️ ✔️
      Mailing to participants to access the questionnaire (link and code) ✔️ ✔️
      Participation follow-up and reminder mailings with link and codes ✔️
      Adaptation to the organization’s needs (socio-occupational variables, additional questions, dimensions, etc.) ✔️
      Sending of closing “thank you” mail ✔️
      Quantitative analysis and exploitation (tables and graphs by variables and dimensions) ✔️
      Qualitative analysis (content analysis and keywords clouds) ✔️
      Advanced analysis features on demand (significant differences, correlations, regression, etc.) ✔️
      Report with conclusions and proposed actions ✔️
      Benchmark report with the organizations participating in the project and main findings ✔️

      FREE260 € up to 30 employees
      370 € more than 30 employees

      Authority and use

      Audit & Control Estrésa pioneering company in the prevention of psychosocial risks and the development of resilient organisations, and InTime,

      a company with significant experience on in implementation of healthier, more conciliatory and productive schedules projects, have combined their experience and knowledge to create a tool that assesses the psychosocial impact of teleworking and/or confinement in the current emergency situation by Covid19. This questionnaire allows an organisation to know the psychosocial experience of people in order to take preventive measures or to promote health and wellbeing.

      Audit & Stress Control and InTime freely share this tool in the following terms:

      This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

      In the event that you  wish to outsource the administration and online management of the questionnaire (e.g. use of the platform, data analysis, report of results, conclusions, opportunities and proposals for action, benchmarking, etc. ), you can contact us to know more about the conditions.

      Additionally,  to carry out a study on the experience of confinement and teleworking, with aggregate data from the maximum number of organizations possible, we would ask you to provide us, if you think it is convenient, with the data matrix. This data matrix will allow us to carry out its exploitation and thus reach conclusions that can help the whole productive industry and organisations and the workers. Of course, those organisations participating  will be the first to receive the report with the consolidated results and conclusions.

      If you are interested download the questionnaire

      Leave us your message

      If you want more information or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us through this form. We would love to hear from you to help you and propose the best solution.

      14 + 13 =


      To comply with the new Data Protection Law and for your data to be safe, you must read and accept my legal conditions.

      • Responsible: Audit & Stress Control | InTime | Medea
      • Purpose of the data: Respond to the message you send me through the form.
      • Legitimation: Your consent that you want to communicate with us.
      • Data storage: Database hosted by Arsys Internet Slu.
      • Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.


      Datos de contacto

      c/ Madrazo 27–29, 2º 3 · 08006 BCN
      c/ Narciso Serra 14 · 28007 MADRID

      Barcelona: (+34) 932 182 406
      Madrid: (+34) 915 025 951
